The other day, I talked with someone about how they beat their candida, and they told me of a product that they used and saw good results; the product is called Candex.
Related: Is Candida Real?
Gotta Read: My Personal Candida Story
Candex is a natural product that’s designed to support a healthy microbiome. It’s non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan, and 100% pure.
Of course, I had to give this product a try for myself. I mean, it promises to help control candida yeast, and you’ll begin to feel better in only 10 days.
Essence Labs claims that you will not experience a “healing crisis,” which, if I understand this correctly, means you won’t see major die-off symptoms.
It all sounds too good to be true. I had to see for myself.
What is Candex Used For?
Candex is used for fighting off an overgrowth of yeast in the intestines. Every healthy gut has yeast, but when that yeast overgrows it can cause havoc in our gut. Yeast overgrowth can cause a whole bunch of different symptoms such as headaches, sinus infections, fatigue, muscle pain and so many more.
Candex works by “digesting” the cell walls of candida using a potent blend of enzymes. Candida is defenseless against this action, which is why so many people have had success with it.
Does Candex Kill Good Bacteria?
No. Candex doesn’t harm the good flora.
This is what makes it so successful, it only hunts down the candida yeast and destroys it from within.
This means that no toxins are released when the candida dies, and you don’t feel even worse.
Candex Ingredients
These enzymes are:
- Ellulase (vegetarian) 64000 CU
- Hemicellulase (vegetarian) 40000 HCU
- Amylase (vegetarian) 4000 SKB
- Invertase (vegetarian) 1000 SU
- Glucoamylase (vegetarian) 200 AG
Other ingredients in Candex are Microcrystalline Cellulose, L-leucine, HPMC (vegetable capsule).
I was excited. Could this be true? Would Candex deliver on its promises? I had to find out.
I went over to Amazon and made the purchase. It was easy, convenient, and I received Candex in a few days.
How to Take Candex
According to their website, the suggested usage goes something like this:
- Day 1: (1) capsule.
- Day 2: (1) capsule, twice daily;
- Day 3 and after: (2) capsules twice daily.
Simple enough, right.
The instructions state that you should take this supplement between meals and with at least 8 oz of water.
If you are looking at keeping your candida in check, then one capsule before bed will be enough.
Alright, so I started to take Candex, and this was the results that I noticed.
Candex Review
All of this information is all fine, but does Candex actually work? That’s what I wanted to know. So I decided to put it to the test.
I took the product for 20 days before I wrote this review. After 20 days, I was pleasantly surprised by the product. Let me explain further.
At around 15 days, I noticed that it took away my bloating or fullness feeling. I have tried countless products to take away that fullness feeling or bloating, and nothing worked.
- No die-off
- Simple to use
- 100% natural
- Easy on your stomach
- A little pricey
- Results vary
Candex worked very well though it took a while to begin. I was very faithful taking the recommended amount each day, not missing one single day during the span of 20 days.
The second thing that I noticed was that it gave me more energy. I’m not sure if this was just in my head or it actually made a difference, but I felt more energetic while taking the product.
One strrange reaction I had to Candex was that during my time taking the product, I always felt hungry. I’m not sure of the science behind this, but I did have a greater appetite during those 20 days.
Overall, I was pleased with the results of Candex. It worked well, and I didn’t have the severe die-off symptoms that I normally have when using other antifungals or candida detoxes.
I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a candida supplement that produces little side-effects by way of die-off.
I am going to continue to use Candex as my daily routine for keeping my candida in control.