Yes. Absolutely. Candida can cause lower back pain by producing excess gas which tightens your back muscles and causes abdominal discomfort. Another way Candida causes back Keep Reading
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October 9, 2021
It can seem like a complete contradiction, to be encouraged to eat honey while you’re on the candida diet. After all, sugar is notorious for aggravating Keep Reading
July 18, 2021
Before I got diagnosed with Candida, it was a constant barrage of people giving me looks as if to say – he’s just faking it, or Keep Reading
June 25, 2021
I’ve been dealing with candida for years; it’s an annoying problem that’s hard to beat. In fact, many people believe that candida cannot be beaten, only Keep Reading
May 18, 2021
I took some pictures around my backyard today. I will make them available to you for FREE for your blog, website, or design project; if you Keep Reading
May 18, 2021
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s important because it starts your metabolism, gives you the brainpower for beginning your day, gives you Keep Reading